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How-To: Install GrapheneOS

If you’ve arrived at this page, I’ll assume you’re interested in a “de-Google’d” phone.  I won’t speak to the history of the GrapheneOS project, or why you might be interested in such a solution in this post, but I will follow-up if there’s sufficient interest.

I was pleased with the CLI install notes provided by GrapheneOS and found them to be more than sufficient, and was able to get GrapheneOS loaded onto a Pixel 4a without issue.  Presented below are the notes I produced while getting it installed.  While I played around briefly with getting it installed from my Windows 10 machine, the fact is that my Linux  machine had most of the pre-requisites in place to  get the install done and it was just easier to work from it.

sudo apt install libarchive-tools
curl -O
echo 'd6d72d006c03bd55d49b6cef9f00295db02f0a31da10e121427e1f4cb43e7cb9' | sha256sum -c
bsdtar xvf
export PATH="$PWD/platform-tools:$PATH"
fastboot version 30.0.5-6877874
sudo apt install android-sdk-platform-tools-common
fastboot flashing unlock
sudo apt install signify-openbsd
alias signify=signify-openbsd
curl -O
- make sure it matches (
curl -O
curl -O
signify -Cqp -x && echo verified
Now you’re ready to flash the factory image – which will replace the existing OS
bsdtar xvf
cd sunfish-factory-2021.01.23.03
The installation occurs…

fastboot flashing lock

As your phone boots, you’ll notice the GrapheneOS splash screen  – you’re finished!

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